Silvia Cera

Silvia Cera


“As an International News Researcher at a U.S.-based corporate travel news agency, I am deeply committed to my profession. However, the pandemic significantly disrupted my daily life, leading to unprecedented stress. This challenging phase urged me to seek various coping strategies including therapy.


My path to transformation and personal growth began with Douglas, an accomplished Energy Healer. His unique approach, combining psychic energy with pragmatic career guidance, struck a chord with me. Our first session was a gateway to self-discovery offering new perspectives on life and work.


Douglas’ Energy Healing, focused on harnessing subtle energies, achieved a holistic rebalance. The sessions provided more than physical comfort; they profoundly influenced my emotional and spiritual health. This well-rounded approach was vital in managing my career’s demands, enhancing my focus and restoring my work-life balance.

“I felt so much better as he was able to restore my energy like he passed some hope through his healing hands.”

Douglas’ corporate background was especially advantageous. He adeptly navigated the complexities of my high-stress job, offering advice that perfectly aligned with my professional goals. His expertise in both Healing and career counselling was invaluable.


The impact of Douglas’ sessions on my life has been remarkable. I have found a renewed sense of purpose and a clearer vision for the future. These sessions highlighted the importance of balancing professional drive with personal well-being, leading to empowerment and self-realisation.


Douglas’ methods have been a source of hope and guidance throughout my challenges, enabling me to face life’s complexities with newfound confidence. I am immensely thankful for his pivotal role in my journey towards wellness.


To conclude, my experience with Douglas has been an odyssey of rediscovery and rejuvenation. His innovative blend of Energy Healing and practical advice has been crucial in navigating the intricacies of modern life. His influence goes beyond Healing, promoting empowerment and emphasising the significance of holistic well-being for achieving comprehensive personal and professional fulfilment. Douglas’ deep understanding and diverse skill set have profoundly shaped my life approach, boosting my resilience and providing me with the tools to sustain this harmonious balance in all aspects of my life.”